Live Arrival Guarantee

Great care is taken to ensure your spider arrives in perfect condition. In the unlikely event that your spider doesn't reach you alive, I will issue a refund or replace the spider with the closest available I have in stock. In order to honour the guarantee I will need photographs or a video of unboxing within an hour of delivery. Once the spider is placed into its new home my live guarantee ends. 



Shipments are usually sent on Tuesday-Thursday via Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm. Shipping confirmation along with the tracking number are sent the day before the delivery is expected to arrive. Next day delivery is used to best ensure the safety of your spider and the charge applies to all live deliveries. If an order is made from Thursday onwards they will not be shipped until the following Tuesday. Orders must be made before 10am the day before to ensure orders are shipped the following day. Any changes to delivery days will be posted on social media and at the top of the website. It is the customers responsibility to ensure they are home to take delivery as if not, my live arrival guarantee will be void. This includes orders that are left in a safe place, with a neighbour or orders that are redelivered. 

It is important to note that extreme temperatures will affect postage, in the event of weather below 3° or above 29° your order will be delayed. Your order will also be delayed if your chosen spider goes in to pre-moult or is moulting.